A: from left to right
B: from right to left
C: from inside to outside
D: from outside to inside
- To bring good luck, before New Year you should clean your house ______ A: from top to bottom B: from left to right C: from up to down D: from inside out
- 1. What is the tips of using knives and forks in dinner? A: A. Start from inside and work your way out. B: B. Start from the outside and work your way in. C: D:
- The order of using folks and knives in western dinners is _____________.
- Stressors may arise from outside and inside of the body. ()
- The symmetry of the human body is ( ) symmetry. A: Left and right B: Up and down C: Back and forth D: Inside and outside
- 0
Use the knives and forks from outside in
- 1
Sharing with someone who understands and loves her _________ her from the _________ and _________her with the emotional tools necessary to handle the trials and tribulations of the_________ world.( ) A: equips,inside,heals,outside B: equips,outside,heals,inside C: heals,outside,equips,inside D: heals,inside,equips,outside
- 2
In the car, the back seats from right to the left ,the right one is more ( ) than the left seats.
- 3
Cultural differences in thinking styles are evident on syntactic level。 ( ) with an open beginning and a closed ending。 A: Chinese sentences tend to expand from the left to the right B: Chinese sentences tend to expand from the center to the right C: Chinese sentences tend to expand from the center to the left D: Chinese sentences tend to expand from the right to the left
- 4
中国大学MOOC:"Left from the home, the child was deviated from the right path.";