• 2022-06-16
    To bring good luck, before New Year you should clean your house ______
    A: from top to bottom
    B: from left to right
    C: from up to down
    D: from inside out
  • A


    • 0

      While listing your educational information, you’d better follow the order like---- A: From bottom to up. B: From the latest to the earliest. C: From up to bottom. D: From the earliest to the latest.

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: As the first principle of note-taking, __________ means noting down the page or arranging the notes vertically from top to bottom, rather than horizontally from left to right.

    • 2

      You should not present your business card in your _____ hand to a guest from Muslim culture. A: right B: left C: both D: either

    • 3

      Brushes made from the first hair taken from a baby's head was believed to bring good luck in the Imperial examinations.

    • 4

      Traditionally, Chinese are written()in columns going from top to bottom and ordered from right to left. A: erectly B: straightly C: vertically D: uprightly