• 2022-06-06
    People also communicate by means of FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, which communicate something about the person’s _________ towards what is being communicated, and the person they are communicating with.
  • emotions#attitude


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      What may account for the change of people’s attitude towards being busy?

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      The American Dream usually means a person has the chance to_________, __________ and create a _______ life. For many people, this means being able to get __________, have ___________ and own _____.

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      Which of the following is the meaning of 'go for'? A: If you say that a statement you have made about one person or thing also goes for another person or thing, you mean that the statement is also true of this other person or thing. B: If you go for a particular thing or way of doing something, you choose it. C: If you go for someone, you attack them. D: If something goes for a particular price, it is sold for that amount.

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      Modern means of (communicate) ________ can enable more people to work from home.

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      An appeal to authority occurs when( )。 A: the premises are not about the person making a point and neither is the conclusion. B: the premises are about the person making a point and the conclusion says something favorable about that person. C: the premises are about the vagueness of a point being made a person and the conclusion tells against the person. D: the premises are about the conclusion and the conclusion is about the premises. E: none of the above