• 2022-06-06
    中国大学MOOC: What questions can help to re-map the organization chart? (More than one correct answer)
  • Who are the real influencers? Who is respected?


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      中国大学MOOC: Why 1969 was called the magic year? (More than one answer)

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      You may choose one or more than one correct answer(s). 1. Why is the student coming for the teacher?

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      中国大学MOOC: Well-manage of diabetes include: (This question may have more than one correct answer.).

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      Picasso and his paintings can be evaluated as follows: _______________. (You can choose more than one answer)

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      Studies show that longer “wait time” allowed to children may help them ______. A: answer questions more creatively B: give a correct answer C: show their interest in the questions D: tell their own story