• 2022-06-06
    Personality Actors are actors who have the talent to leave their real personality behind and to assume the personality of a character with whom they may have few characteristics in common.
    A: 正确
    B: 错误
  • B


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      Which of the following belong to Category B personality disorder? A: antisocial personality disorder B: borderline personality disorder C: narcissistic personality disorder D: histrionic personality disorder

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      Amanda<br/>has many Type A personality traits. That means Amanda is more likely<br/>to () than someone who isn't Type A personality A: suffer<br/>from heart disease B: Have<br/>colds and the flu C: Have<br/>an accident D: suffer<br/>from cancer

    • 2

      What Facebook personality might they have? Share your reasons with your partner.

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      Which of the following belong to Category C personality disorder? A: antisocial personality disorder B: avoidant personality disorder C: dependent personality disorder D: obsessive compulsive personality order

    • 4

      All of the following are common personality characteristics of idea champions EXCEPT ________. A: extremely high self-confidence B: persistence C: energy D: risk aversion