• 2022-06-05
    It was in ______ Administration that engagement policy was pursued in order to form a "strategic partnership" between China and the US.
    A: Barack Obama's
    B: Bill Clinton's
    C: George Bush's
    D: Ronald Reagan’s
  • B


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      The first permanent British settlement in North America was ______. A: Bill Clinton B: George Bush C: George W. Bush D: Barrack Obama

    • 1

      ( ) launched a series of "green new deals" for realizing the transformation of low-carbon economy to better respond to climate change. A: The George Herbert Walker Bush Administration B: The Clinton Administration C: The George Bush Administration D: The Obama Administration

    • 2

      We learn that Bill Clinton’s father ______. A: died before Bill Clinton was born B: died when Bill Clinton was a few months old C: left his wife after Bill Clinton was born D: was his mother’s second husband

    • 3

      All of the following statements are correct EXCEPT: A: China's exchange rate policy boosts exports in the long run. B: China's exchange rate policy is mainly an attempt to control inflation. C: China's exchange rate policy results in a depreciated yuan. D: China's exchange rate policy does not impact the real exchange rate in the long run.

    • 4

      What is The Targets of China’s Monetary Policy