• 2022-06-07 问题

    Analysis of variance is an analysis method proposed by Ronald Fischer, a British statistician and geneticist ()

    Analysis of variance is an analysis method proposed by Ronald Fischer, a British statistician and geneticist ()

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Ronald Coase ’ s insight is that most externality problems are due to an inadequate specification of property rights.

    Ronald Coase ’ s insight is that most externality problems are due to an inadequate specification of property rights.

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Which of these presidents does Forrest meet? A: George Bush B: Bill Clinton C: Ronald Reagan D: Richard Nixon

    Which of these presidents does Forrest meet? A: George Bush B: Bill Clinton C: Ronald Reagan D: Richard Nixon

  • 2022-07-25 问题

    ()提出了DNA双螺旋学说 A: Waston Crick B: Ronald Ross C: Alexis Carrel D: Jules Border

    ()提出了DNA双螺旋学说 A: Waston Crick B: Ronald Ross C: Alexis Carrel D: Jules Border

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    The only American president elected for a third term is ______. A: George Washington B: Abraham Lincoln C: Franklin Roosevelt D: Ronald Reagan

    The only American president elected for a third term is ______. A: George Washington B: Abraham Lincoln C: Franklin Roosevelt D: Ronald Reagan

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    最早提出BLUP育种值估计方法的是? Jay Lush|Ronald Fisher|C. R. Hendersen|Sewell Wright

    最早提出BLUP育种值估计方法的是? Jay Lush|Ronald Fisher|C. R. Hendersen|Sewell Wright

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    When Ronald Reagan became president in 1982,he wanted to beat the Soviet Union in the space technology race and he initiated the Star Wars project. 答

    When Ronald Reagan became president in 1982,he wanted to beat the Soviet Union in the space technology race and he initiated the Star Wars project. 答

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    最早提出BLUP育种值估计方法的是 () A: Jay Lush B: Ronald Fisher C: Sewell Wright D: C. R. Hendersen

    最早提出BLUP育种值估计方法的是 () A: Jay Lush B: Ronald Fisher C: Sewell Wright D: C. R. Hendersen

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    【单选】( )提出了t分布理论和t检验方法。 A: Ronald Fishe B: Francis Galton C: Karl Pearson D: William Gossset

    【单选】( )提出了t分布理论和t检验方法。 A: Ronald Fishe B: Francis Galton C: Karl Pearson D: William Gossset

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    方差和方差分析两词是由统计学家 首创。 A: Ronald Aylmer Fisher B: Willian Seely Gosset C: P.O.Johnson D: Francis Galton

    方差和方差分析两词是由统计学家 首创。 A: Ronald Aylmer Fisher B: Willian Seely Gosset C: P.O.Johnson D: Francis Galton

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