• 2022-06-05
    Operator is()
    A: where the
    repressor binds to regulate gene expression in an operon.
    B: controlled
    by promoter.
    C: is induced
    by lactose.
    D: is repressed
    by tryptophan.
  • A


    • 0

      If the magnetic field B through<br/>a loop of wire is increasing, the<br/>induced magnetic field will be A: in<br/>the same direction as B B: in<br/>the opposite direction as B C: perpendicular<br/>to B D: at<br/>an acute angle to B E: there<br/>is no induced magnetic field

    • 1

      Control of gene expression<br/>by preventing a gene from being expressed. () A: Transcription B: Induction C: Translation D: Replication E: Repression

    • 2

      The<br/>anti-UV mutation of microorganisms must be induced by ultraviolet<br/>rays.(<br/>)

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      (<br/>) can be determined by the left hand rule. A: The induced force on the moving charged particles in the magnetic<br/>field. B: The direction of the induced force on the moving charged particles in<br/>the magnetic field. C: The induced electromagneto motive force on the moving conductor in<br/>the magnetic field. D: The direction of the induced electro-motive force on the moving<br/>conductor in the magnetic field.

    • 4

      Which<br/>of following can cause the great variation of influenza virus and<br/>wide epidemic:() A: gene<br/>reassortment B: gene<br/>recombination C: transduction D: transformation E: conjunction