• 2021-04-14
    1、房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险。(in danger of)
  • The house was on fire and the people inside were in danger of losing their lives.


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      The house was on fire and the people inside were in danger of losing their lives.译:房子在火海中,人在里面有死亡的危险。

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      These people are angry that the building is now (in danger of being destroyed), along with their memories. A: 面临被拆除的危险 B: 处在危险中 C: 急需被拆除

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      在新形势下,我们党不仅面临着一系列的客观考验,而且在应对考验的过程中面临着各种主观危险。从执政党的主体视角看,我们党面临的危险包括()。 A: 精神懈怠危险 B: 能力不足危险 C: 脱离群众危险 D: 消极腐败危险

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      进入新时代,我们党面临的执政环境是复杂的。党的建设面临着“四大危险”指的是( ) A: 精神懈怠的危险 B: 能力不足的危险 C: 脱离群众的危险 D: 消极腐败的危险