• 2022-06-04
    Jimmy: Dad, how can you tell if you are drunk?Dad: Look, son. If I look at the two policemen over there and say there are four of them. I’m drunk.Jimmy: But there is only one policeman, Dad!You can appreciating the ___.
    A: attention
    B: humor
    C: favor
  • B


    • 0

      If someone says: “How are you?”, you can say: “I'm good.”

    • 1

      Can you __________ the store while I'm out? A: look for B: look up C: look after

    • 2

      -Can I join the club, Dad?-You can when you____a bit older. A: are getting B: will get C: get D: will have got

    • 3

      Careth: Good afternoon. I"ve just joined the library. How many books can I take out Eunice: You can take two books, and keep them for ten days. If you haven"t finished, you can renew them. Careth: How do I do that ______ Eunice: No, you can telephone. Tell us the titles of the books, and the date they are due for return. Eunice: These two books have been lended. A: Why can"t I keep them for a longer time B: Must I visit the library C: How much could I be fined D: Can I lend them to my friends

    • 4

      —How can I get to the train station?—_________________ A: You can take a bus. B: Youare a student. C: You can watch TV. D: You look tired.