• 2022-06-04
    In responses to invitation letters, the following are usually included except for___.
    A: restating the main content of the invitation
    B: expressing inquires for the conference submission deadline
    C: expressing acceptance or declination of the invitation
    D: expressing good wishes for the conference
  • B


    • 0

      2. What information is usually included in an invitation?

    • 1

      The content of an invitation letter usually include ___________. </p></p>

    • 2

      Speaker 5 _______ A: confirming<br/>arrangements B: expressing<br/>disagreement C: giving an invitation D: giving instrucions E: making a complaint F: making a suggestion G: requesting advice H: requesting information

    • 3

      If you accept the invitation, the content of your letter of acceptance should include _______________. </p></p>

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following sentences are included in declining invitation?