• 2022-06-04
    Which of the following statements are TRUE about Helen in the Trojan War? ( )
    A: She kills her husband for sacrificing their daughter for the war.
    B: She is the daughter of Zeus and Leda.
    C: She elopes with Paris from Sparta to Troy.
    D: She opens a box from Zeus and releases all the evils to the human world.
  • B,C



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      Which is NOT true about Trojan War? A: It all started with the golden apple thrown at a wedding banquet table, which was said to belong to “the fairest one”. B: Paris, the prince of Troy, was the judge to decide to which goddess the golden apple belonged. C: Aphrodite gave Helen, the fairest woman on the earth, as Paris’ wife and helped Helen travel to Troy with Paris and become Helen of Troy. D: The war lasted for 20 years and consumed thousands of lives.

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      【单选题】18.What happened to Yang in the accident? A) She lost one leg in the accident. B) She lost her life in the accident. C) She lost her daughter in the accident. D) She lost her husband in the accident. A. She lost one leg in the accident. B. She lost her life in the accident. C. She lost her daughter in the accident. D. She lost her husband in the accident.

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      From what the author has written in the text, what canwe know about the author's mother? A: She's a beautiful woman. B: She took good care of her daughter when she stayed at home. C: She's a very good cook. D: She taught her daughter how to read and write.

    • 3

      As a mother, she is too _____ towards her daughter, she should let her see more of the world.

    • 4

      What did the mom try to protect her daughter from? She tried to protect her daughter form hearing ______________________.