Which of the following mythological story is closely related to the Trojan War? ( )
A: Zeus and Io
B: Zeus and Europa
C: Zeus and Leda
D: Zeus and Prometheus
A: Zeus and Io
B: Zeus and Europa
C: Zeus and Leda
D: Zeus and Prometheus
- ________, one of Zeus’ mortal lovers, wanted to see the true form of Zeus, but was stricken by the flame to death. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa
- Who is the greatest warrior of the Trojan War? A: Apollo B: Zeus C: Achilles D: Jupiter
- Which one of the following weapons is the symbol of Zeus?
- Which of the following isNOTa reason that Zeus was angry with Prometheus? A: Prometheus stole fire from Olympus and gave it to human. B: Prometheus tricked Zeus to leave human better portion of meat in sacrifice. C: Prometheus made human beings and Athena gave them soul. D: Prometheus refused to tell who was going to replace him.
- Which of the following statements are TRUE about Helen in the Trojan War? ( ) A: She kills her husband for sacrificing their daughter for the war. B: She is the daughter of Zeus and Leda. C: She elopes with Paris from Sparta to Troy. D: She opens a box from Zeus and releases all the evils to the human world.
- 0
Prometheus was punished by Zeus to hold up the sky.
- 1
Zeus changed himself into a ____when seducing Leda, Queen of Sparta.
- 2
Io was changed in to a white cow by Zeus and was given to Hera as a present. Her descendant Heracles set Prometheus free.
- 3
What happened after Metis was swallowed by Zeus? A: Athena was born out of Zeus’ head B: Zeus got a serious stomachache C: Zeus got a revenge(复仇)from Metis D: Hera succeeded in marrying Zeus
- 4
Which god was entrusted by Zeus to create human beings? A: Athena B: Hephaestus C: Prometheus D: Epimetheus