• 2022-06-04
    阅读以下memo并回答问题:src="http://file.ehuixue.cn/Files/UeUpload/6366208938580192387888046.png"/>;What's the subject of this memo?
    A: tomorrow's double-check
    B: get ready for canteen inspection
    C: check things out
    D: health & safety inspectors' visit
  • D


    • 0

      The subject of a memo can be :

    • 1

      What is the exchange rate between RMB and USD in Mr. Brown’s memo? It’s one US dollar to _____________ yuan.

    • 2

      What do you have to do before leave hotel() A: check out B: check in C: check ove D: check on

    • 3

      In a memo, which subject is better?

    • 4

      I'll call the hotel. I'll tell them we'll ________ tomorrow morning and stay there for two nights. A: check in B: check out C: check off D: check over