• 2022-06-04
    Could you please tell me to get to the nearest supermarket?
    A: where
    B: what
    C: how
    D: which
  • C


    • 0

      — Do you need any help?— Yes. I want to buy some novels. Could you please tell me  [u]          [/u] ? A: where is the nearest library B: where the nearest library is C: where the nearest bookstore is D: where is the nearest bookstore

    • 1

      —Excuse me.—______—Could you tell me how to get to the zoo A: Pardon B: Yes C: Please

    • 2

      Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me what number I should dial to get the _______.

    • 3

      Man: Excuse me, I’m not from around here. Could you please tell me where the nearest (1)__________ is? Woman: Sure. Do you have a (2) __________? ...

    • 4

      Could you tell me where the nearest hospital is? A: 宾语从句 B: 定语从句