• 2022-06-05
    In MLA style, to create an entry for a source taken from an online database, begin with the appropriate form, and omit the medium (usually Print). Conclude the entry with the name of the database (in italics), the medium (Web), and the access date.
    A: 正确
    B: 错误
  • A


    • 0

      For a source with an author, its entry in a MLA “Works Cited” list should start with_______.

    • 1

      下列选项中,()语句可以删除数据库School。 A: CREATE DATABASE School B: DROP DATABASE School C: SELECT * FROM sysdatabases WHERE name ='School' D: DROPS DATABASE School

    • 2

      下列创建名为'test'的数据库的语句正确的是? A: create database 'test' B: CREATE DATABASE test C: create database test; D: create database 'test';

    • 3

      The following sources are considered as appropriate and necessary source of gathering information at college-level work except A: Libraries B: Newspaper and magazine C: Database D: Online materials

    • 4

      创建数据库的命令正确的是 A: create database B: creat database C: create databases D: creattte database