• 2022-06-05
    Identify the prewriting technique used in the following. [img=520x310]1803078e2af7481.jpg[/img]
    A: Listing
    B: Clustering
    C: Other (Strategic Questions)
    D: Not given
  • C


    • 0

      Please select from the following choices the one that represents the correct order of prewriting activities. A: Brainstorming-freewriting-listing ideas B: Freewriting-brainstorming-listing ideas C: Listing ideas-brainstorming-freewriting D: ---

    • 1

      Listen to the report and identify the following statements, TRUE (T), FALSE (F), or NOT GIVEN (N). One should not list more reference sources than those used in his or her essay. A: TRUE B: FALSE C: NOT GIVEN

    • 2

      Which of the following would not be an effective technique to be used in a concluding paragraph? __________

    • 3

      “Clustering,” a brainstorming technique, is often used to [u]      [/u] A: edit the final draft of an essay B: delete minor ideas C: organize ideas and details D: do none of the above

    • 4

      已知随机变量X的分布函数为[img=136x49]1803b69024c8270.png[/img] ,则X的均值和方差分别为 A: E(X)=2, D(X)=4 B: E(X)=4, D(x)=2 C: [img=162x43]1803b6902cd8bfb.png[/img] D: [img=162x43]1803b69034d9ffd.png[/img]