• 2022-06-05
    In general, unprocessed foods or low grade of processed foods are a better choice, why?
    A: Some vitamin can be lost during food processing
    B: Some mineral can be lost during food processing
    C: A certain amount of protein can be lost during food processing
    D: A certain amount of fats can be lost during food processing
    E: Sugar or fat could be added during processing, leading to increased energy and decreased nutrient density
  • A,B,E


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      food processing A: 粮食种植 B: 食品加工 C: 副食供销

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      During listening, you can take some notes.

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      But there soon arose problems in many products, especially when items such as processed oils, additives or other potentially harmful chemicals were added during processing.Question:The problem is that something harmful is added during the food processing.

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      Food processors like _____ fats because they taste better and the food can last longer.

    • 4

      Many people lost their jobs during the business ________.