• 2022-06-05
    A constitutional amendment ________any president from serving more than two terms.
    A: prescribes
    B: precedes
    C: precludes
    D: excludes
  • C


    • 0

      In the U.S., a president can serve_____term(s). A: two B: three C: only one D: more than

    • 1

      Two individuals authorized to serve as a lifeboatman must be assigned to any lifeboat that has a capacity of more than().

    • 2

      A Convention about safety of life at sea was adopted in 1974 which included a new amendment procedure, according which an amendment shall enter into force() A: after being accepted by more than two thirds of the Parties B: after being accepted by more than half of the Parties C: within a specified period of time with no objections D: within a specified period of time with no exceptio

    • 3

      She is stronger than() A: the two B: any two C: another two D: the other two

    • 4

      Fat can change into muscle()muscle changes into fat. A: any more than B: no more than C: no less than D: much more than