• 2022-06-10 问题

    Whenthefarmersvisitedthecitythefirsttime,theywere________byitscomplicatedtrafficsystem. A: precludes B: bewildered C: diverted D: expires

    Whenthefarmersvisitedthecitythefirsttime,theywere________byitscomplicatedtrafficsystem. A: precludes B: bewildered C: diverted D: expires

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    A constitutional amendment ________any president from serving more than two terms. A: prescribes B: precedes C: precludes D: excludes

    A constitutional amendment ________any president from serving more than two terms. A: prescribes B: precedes C: precludes D: excludes

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    A constitutional amendment ________any president from serving more than two terms.​ A: prescribes B: precedes C: precludes D: excludes

    A constitutional amendment ________any president from serving more than two terms.​ A: prescribes B: precedes C: precludes D: excludes

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    由于贵方未能及时开具信用证,我方只好取消贵方订单,对此我方深表遗憾。译文:Please let us know if there is something in the way that precludes you from establishing the ___.

    由于贵方未能及时开具信用证,我方只好取消贵方订单,对此我方深表遗憾。译文:Please let us know if there is something in the way that precludes you from establishing the ___.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    What is NOT the limitation of the current study? A: The sample size is small. B: The estimate of prevalence is not accurate. C: The design of the study precludes conclusion on causality in terms of psychological distress and the correlates examined. D: The research findings are based only on self-report.

    What is NOT the limitation of the current study? A: The sample size is small. B: The estimate of prevalence is not accurate. C: The design of the study precludes conclusion on causality in terms of psychological distress and the correlates examined. D: The research findings are based only on self-report.

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