• 2022-06-05
    What is the meaning of "aviation" ?
    A: transportation
    B: vehicles
    C: communication
    D: the flying of aircrafts
  • D


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      What is the definition of nonverbal communication in this passage? A: Body language B: Shared meaning C: Posture D: Listening with your eyes

    • 1

      Before people found and utilized fossil-fuel in transportation, the energies to power vehicles are ( ).

    • 2

      Many transportation vehicles, such ______ cars and trucks are in fact making our environment dirtier.

    • 3

      According o the passage,what was Anelia Earthart's reason for making her fights? A: To set a new record for flying time. B: To be the first woman to fly around the world C: To show that aviation was not just for men D: To become famous in the world.

    • 4

      What are the benefits of modern aviation? (Para. 5)