• 2022-06-05
    Which is an
    example of a deductive argument?
    A: There are 25 CDs on the top shelf of my bookcase and 14 on the
    lower shelf. There are no other CDs in my bookcase. Therefore, there
    are 39 CDs in my bookcase.
  • B


    • 0

      下列只溶于王水的是(<br/>)。 A: ZnS B: CuS C: CdS D: HgS

    • 1

      In the following groups of sulfides, the group where the sulfides are<br/>essentially the same color is ( ) A: PbS, Bi2S3,<br/>CuS B: Ag2S,<br/>HgS, SnS C: CdS, As2S3,<br/>MnS <br/>D<br/>.ZnS, MnS, SbS

    • 2

      与传统的定期存单相比,大额可转让定期存单具有(  )特点。 A: CDs不记名 B: CDs可流通转让 C: CDs可提前支取 D: CDs一般面额固定且较大 E: CDs利率固定

    • 3

      根据太阳能电池的结构,属于异质结太阳能的是()? A: CdS/CdTe B: CdS C: CdS/CuInSe2 D: CdTe

    • 4

      【单选题】在含有 Pb 2 + 和 Cd 2 + 的溶液中,通入 H 2 S ,生成 PbS 和 CdS 沉淀时,溶液中 c (Pb 2 + )/ c (Cd 2 + ) 的值为 () A. K (PbS) . K (CdS) B. K (CdS)/ K (PbS) C. K (PbS)/ K (CdS) D. [ K PbS] · K (CdS)] 1 / 2 A. K (PbS) . K (CdS) B. K (CdS)/ K (PbS) C. K (PbS)/ K (CdS) D. [ K PbS] · K (CdS)] 1 / 2