• 2022-06-06
    Why is Laura at her dad’s shop
    A: She’s waiting for her father.
    B: She’s having her bicycle repaired.
    C: She wanted to surprise John.
    D: She works there.
  • D


    • 0

      —Canyousee____intheroom?<br/>—No,butIcansee____bag. A: her;her B: her;hers C: she;her D: her;she’s

    • 1

      James: How"s Kelly doing Joan: ______ A: She is doing housework right now. B: Her husband is ten years older than she is. C: Her husband works for ZIGUANG, and she is married. D: She"s married, and her husband is an engineer.

    • 2

      A) She hacked into the Amazon app.B) Her mom’s phone was unlocked.C) She used her mom’s password to unlock her phone.D) She gently picked up her mother’s thumb to unlock her phone.

    • 3

      Why is the woman waiting(). A: She is waiting for the man. B: She is waiting for her mother. C: She is waiting for a bus.

    • 4

      She became __________ her father’s drug use as she neared high school graduation.