An English word and a Chinese equivalent may have the same denotative meaning but different connotations.
A: 正确
B: 错误
A: 正确
B: 错误
- Some Chinese fables and English idioms convey the same connotative meaning but with different images.
- 31. Not every word in one language has an equivalent in another. What is the definition of equivalent? A: the same word B: similar thing C: something different D: a word with the same meaning in another language
- 14. The word ‘dog’ may have quite different ______________ meanings in different cultures. ( ) A: denotative B: affective C: lexical D: grammatical
- Some synonyms have the same denotative meaning but show differences in connotative meaning.
- The same color word can have quite the same associations in different cultures. A: 正确 B: 错误