• 2022-06-06
    It may have been at Christmas _____ John gave Mary a handbag.
    A: efore
    B: who
    C: that
    D: when
  • C


    • 0

      2. ____________known the truth?A. Might John( )B. May John have( )C. Could John have( )D. Can John. A: Could John have B: Might John C: May John have D: Can John

    • 1

      The sentence "John gave a book to Mary" contains three arguments. Its predication can be written as JOHN, BOOK, MARY (GIVE).

    • 2

      When Deng Ling said “Merry Christmas!” to Mary, Mary said________. A: ou too B: Merry Christmas! C: The same to you!

    • 3

      When Deng Ling said “Merry Christmas!” to Mary, Mary said________.

    • 4

      When a friend says “How have you been?”, you may say________.