• 2022-06-06
    40. There are 1000 million people in the Philippines.
  • 错误


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      Lots of people of different ___________ live in Alaska: Koreans, Chinese,Philippines, Native Americans and Inuits._

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      There is no doubt that fewer than ______________ Chinese are proficient English speakers.( ) A: 20 million B: 50 million C: 40 million D: 30 million

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      According to China’s Sixth National Census conducted in 2010, the population of Miao people amounted to ________. A: 9.5 million B: 4.6 million C: 5.3 million D: 10 million

    • 3

      —How many Chinese people go abroad every year —It’s hard to say. ______ people, I think. A: Million of B: B. Millions of C: C. Two million of

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      Every four years, ________ people watch the Olympic Games. A: million of B: millions of C: two millions of D: million