• 2022-06-06
    Directions: In this part, you will listen to a material for three times. Take down notes while listening. Then translate the material you have listened for.
  • 在美国,心脏类疾病是人们健康的头号杀手。三分之一的女性和四分之一的男性会得心脏病。女性患心脏病的风险在50到60岁之间开始增加。尽管随着时间的推移,人们对心脏病和心脏病发作的认识有所提高,但许多女性仍然没有意识到患病的风险。60%的白人女性意识到了心脏病是导致死亡的主要原因。然而,只有不到一半的非洲裔、西班牙裔和亚裔女性认为心脏病是导致死亡的主要原因。在美国,只有一半的女性能识别出心脏病发作的典型症状,包括肩部、颈部或手臂的疼痛、胸痛、气短、胸痛、恶心、疲劳。如果你现在正好有这些症状,这很严重,不要自己开车去医院,拨打911。有关心脏病或心脏相关问题的更多信息,请联系我们—医疗中心健康系统,联系电话是4326406000或访问我们的网站MCH Odessa.com。


    • 0

      Why didn’t you ______ when I told you the name of the hotel A: listening B: to listen C: listen D: listened

    • 1

      According to Flowerdew, ______ is one of the differences between general listening and academic listening. A: the fluency of taking turns B: the way of organizing content C: the speed of listening material D: the accent of listening material

    • 2

      In this part, you are going to hear five sentences. Listen and write down what you have heard in the given area.[音频]

    • 3

      Just _________ to him, and you will see how clever he is! A: listened B: to listen C: listen D: listening

    • 4

      Directions: In this part, you are required to translate the following sentences into Chinese.