• 2022-06-06
    and ()are
    the two types of point defect.
    A: Dislocation
    B: Voids
    C: Twin
    D: Interstitial
  • D


    • 0

      Generally<br/>speaking, accounting have two different types: one is financial<br/>accounting and the other is ( ). A: taxable<br/>accounting B: cost accounting C: management<br/>accounting D: business accounting

    • 1

      执行如下语句[br][/br]class point {[br][/br]private:[br][/br] int x_, y_;[br][/br]public:[br][/br] point( ) : x_(0), y_(0) { }[br][/br] point(int x, int y = 0) : x_(x), y_(y) { }[br][/br]};[br][/br]point a(2), b&#91;3&#93;, *c&#91;4&#93;;[br][/br]则point类的构造函数被调用的次数是______。 A: 2次 B: 3次 C: 4次 D: 5次

    • 2

      There are two point-charges<br/>q1<br/>and q2.<br/>The magnitude of electric field force between them is F. If the third<br/>point charge +Q is<br/>introduced, will the force between q1<br/>and q2<br/>be influenced by +Q<br/>&#91; &#93; A: It will not be influenced by +Q B: It will be influenced by +Q

    • 3

      The<br/>magnetic field lines are used to visually describe the distribution<br/>of the magnetic field around the magnet. For the following<br/>statement,( <br/>) is wrong. A: Each<br/>magnetic field line is a closed loop curve B: No<br/>two magnetic field lines can cross each other C: The<br/>length of the magnetic field line reflects the strength of the<br/>magnetic field D: The<br/>tangential direction of any point on any of the magnetic lines is the<br/>direction of the magnetic field at that point

    • 4

      以下哪个接口的定义是正确的?(<br/>) A: interface Ipic {<br/>void print() { } ;} B: abstract interface Ipic {<br/>void print() ;} C: abstract interface Ipic extends I1 //I1为已定义的接口 {<br/>abstract void print(){ };} D: interface Ipic {<br/>void print();}