• 2022-06-06
    ( ) and
    Interstitial are the two types of point defect.
    A: Dislocation
    B: Voids
    C: Vacancy
    D: Twin
  • C


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      ‏下列属于热缺陷的有:‏ A: Dislocation B: Boundary C: Frenkel defect D: Schottky defect

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      下列属于热缺陷的有: A: Dislocation B: Boundary C: Frenkel defect D: Schottky defect

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      Generally<br/>speaking, accounting have two different types: one is financial<br/>accounting and the other is ( ). A: taxable<br/>accounting B: cost accounting C: management<br/>accounting D: business accounting

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      Which of the following is a correctly worded main point for a speech preparation outline? A: Leadership: major types. B: Two major types of leadership. C: What are the major types of leadership? D: There are two major types of leadership. E: Leadership.

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      ‍扩散机理可分为哪些?‎ A: vacancy diffusion B: self-diffusion C: impurity diffusion D: interstitial diffusion