• 2022-06-06
    Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.
    A: Revising the alternative minimum tax.
    B: Under President Bush’s tax plan, the rise would be even steeper.
    C: Raising taxes: the current tax law is out of date.
    D: Simplifying U. S. taxes: it’s complex.
  • D


    • 0

      Which option cannot explain why China's enterprise income tax is not called corporate income tax or company income tax ? A: It is due to long-standing habits B: in China, it includes not only corporate enterprises, but also non-corporate enterprises C: in China, it includes not only corporate enterprises, but also some unincorporated organizations D: Because these are three different taxes

    • 1

      The inflation tax A: transfers wealth from the government to households. B: is the increase in real income taxes due to lack of indexation in income tax rules. C: is a tax on everyone who holds money. D: All of the above are correct.

    • 2

      Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. A: U.S. is the strongest economy in the world. B: B. The productive capacity of U. S. economy. C: C. Change in U. S. dollar’s role as the world’s primary reserve currency. D: D. America’s massive indebtedness and a sharp boost in U. S. government spending.

    • 3

      By imposing an environmental protection tax against enterprises that pollute and destroy the environment, and using the taxes to control pollution and protect the environment, it reflects the principle of “fairness” of environmental protection tax.

    • 4

      Of the following, which would NOT be a significant decision-making factor in a multinational firm's repositioning decision-making? A: the stability of the local currency B: the ability to move capital in and out of the subsidiary's country C: the subsidiary's tax environment (high or low) D: All of the above are significant factors