智慧职教: 倒车灯控制电路由( )、倒车灯、蜂鸣器、倒车语音装置、倒车雷达装置、倒车影像等组成。 The backing lamp control circuit (), backing lamp, buzzer, backing voice device, backing radar device, backing image and other components.
- 倒车灯与倒车蜂鸣器是分开单独控制的
- 智慧职教: 倒车灯的作用是夜间倒车照亮车后路面,并警示车后的车辆和行人,该车正在倒车。 The function of reversing lamp is to illuminate the road behind the car at night and warn the vehicles and pedestrians behind the car that is reversing.
- Backing means the wind ___________.
- 倒车灯是汽车倒车时向()的灯具,它与倒车警报器共同工作,前者发出(),后者发出()。
- 可能导致倒车灯不亮的原因有() A: 倒车开关坏 B: 倒车灯坏 C: 线路问题 D: 保险丝烧坏