智慧职教: 倒车灯的作用是夜间倒车照亮车后路面,并警示车后的车辆和行人,该车正在倒车。
The function of reversing lamp is to illuminate the road behind the car at night and warn the vehicles and pedestrians behind the car that is reversing.
The function of reversing lamp is to illuminate the road behind the car at night and warn the vehicles and pedestrians behind the car that is reversing.
- 智慧职教: 车辆打到倒车档时倒车灯点亮,表示该车准备倒车,它一般为白色,用于照亮车后路面,也警示车后的车辆和行人,提高倒车时的安全性。
- 倒车灯装于汽车尾部,用于照亮车后路面,并警告车后的车辆和行人,表示该车正在倒车,倒车灯全部是( )色的。
- 倒车灯装于汽车尾部,左右各一只,(),用于照亮车后路面,警告车后的车辆和行人,表示该车正在倒车。 A: 白色 B: 红色 C: 橘红色 D: 黄色
- 智慧职教: 倒车灯控制电路由( )、倒车灯、蜂鸣器、倒车语音装置、倒车雷达装置、倒车影像等组成。 The backing lamp control circuit (), backing lamp, buzzer, backing voice device, backing radar device, backing image and other components.
- 机动车倒车时,应当察明车后情况,确认安全后倒车。可以在()倒车