• 2022-06-06
    What is the correct plural form for the following noun?leaf
    A: leaves
    B: leafs
    C: leaf
    D: leavs
  • A


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      Please remember to give the horse some tree ______. A: leaves B: leafs C: leaf

    • 1

      7. The of most trees will fall in autumn. A: leaf B: leafs C: leaves D: leave

    • 2

      Please remember to give the horse some tree ( ). A: leafs B: leaves C: a leaf D: leave

    • 3

      When autumn comes, the ______of trees begin to fall. A: leafs B: leafes C: leaves D: leaf

    • 4

      When autumn comes,_________of most trees turn yellow and then fall down. A: leaf B: leafs C: leaves D: leave