• 2022-06-06
    A: destroy
    B: disturb
    C: mistake
    D: misuse
  • D


    • 0

      A.disturbB.puzzleC.thrillD.terrify A: disturb B: puzzle C: thrill D: terrify

    • 1

      Which word has the similar meaning to "abuse"? A: peruse B: misuse

    • 2

      the reservation mistake the clerk(职员; made A: mistake of the passenger's name B: mistake of the departure time

    • 3

      Whataretheverbstomodifierthenoun“privacy” A: ensure B: guarantee C: disturb D: invade

    • 4

      the clerk's (职员)reason for the reservation mistake A: mistake of the passenger's name B: mistake of the departure time