• 2022-06-06
    概念题[br][/br]实际利率( real rate of return)
  • 答:实际利率是“名义利率”的对称,是指名义利率扣除物价变动因素后的利率。实际利率为正值时,有利于吸收储蓄,有助于降低通货膨胀率;实际利率为负值时,则会减少储蓄、刺激金融投机、恶化通货膨胀。其计算公式为:[tex=15.286x2.214]u2e763Q9FZG1k/w/7K2WidPIQBy4fvIcClngXYzeW5UV1gYOBS/OE0uBzNgtdOXuZSwy6CF26XLl5Al29McKxNhUhZelzHD4mAck7W0uqy0=[/tex]当通货膨胀率很低时,可近似记为:实际利率=名义利率–通货膨胀率。


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      解释概念:实际利率( real rate of interest)

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      实际收益率( real rate of return)

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      The nominal interest rate approximately equals which of the following? (名义利率约等于以下哪个?——中文由在线翻译而来,仅供参考) A: the real interest rate minus the inflation rate实际利率减去通货膨胀率 B: the real interest rate plus the inflation rate实际利率加上通货膨胀率 C: the real interest rate minus the growth rate of real GDP实际利率减去实际GDP的增长率 D: the real interest rate plus the growth rate of real GDP实际利率加上实际GDP增长率

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      概念题:租费、资本收益率、利率、利润( rentals, rate of return on capital, interest rate, profits)