• 2022-06-06
    We will order tea for twelve people on the ____ that all twelve will come.
    A: judgment
    B: proposal
    C: decision
    D: assumption
  • D


    • 0

      We are all for your proposal that discussion ( ). We are all for your proposal that discussion ( ).

    • 1

      -Hurry up. There isn't much time left-Dont worry. I need____minutes to finish the work A: twelve another B: another twelve C: more twelve D: other twelve

    • 2

      Having discussed all the clauses of the contract, we will read it again in order to make a final decision before we sign it

    • 3

      Zeus is the most important god of all the Twelve Olympians and it is said that he can order any god or mortal, except _________. A: Hera B: the Fates C: the Muses D: Eris, the goddess of discord

    • 4

      ---What is the English for 12:30?---It's_______. A: twenty and thirty B: twelve past thirty C: twelve and thirty D: half past twelve