We are going to draw money at the bank _______ the street.()
A: to
B: from
C: of
D: across
A: to
B: from
C: of
D: across
- In winter when it snows, I take the underground ...... Wynn street ...... Low street. A: at / to B: from / at C: at / from D: from / to
- When you have a bank account, you () A: must always be in credit B: can’t draw any money if you’re overdrawn C: can draw money without notice D: can’t pay money to anyone else
- As instructed, we will draw you a sight draft for collection through the Bank of China.
- Where is the Bank of China () A: It’s on the right of the man. B: It’s on Rose Street. C: It’s around the next corner. D: It’s far from Rose Street.
- M: Were you driving to town this morningW: Yes, I have to draw some money from the bank to pay my bookstore bills. Where did the man drive to(). A: Bookstore. B: Library. C: Town.