• 2022-06-06
    投资( investment)概念
  • 答:投资是指将现有资金投人某项事物,以期获得未来收益的活动。按投资对象可分为以下几种投资类型:①实物投资:指对固定资产和存货等资本品的投资。按实物投资是否增加资本品的存量,可分为净投资和重置投资。净投资是指在一定时期内可增加资本品存量的实物投资。重置投资是指并不增加资本品的存量,而只是对资本品的损耗进行补偿的实物投资。净投资和重置投资之和,称为“总投资"。②金融投资:指对金融资产的购买,如购买债券、股票等。③人力资本投资:是指使人力资本形成和增值的投资活动。


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      税后投资收益率(after tax rate of return to investment)

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      投资的实际收益率(real rate of return from investment)

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      中国大学MOOC: When considering the timeframe of an investment, a rule followed by some is to choose the investment with _________ payback period.考虑一项投资的时限时,应遵循的规则是选择具有_________投资回收期的投资。

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      When considering the timeframe of an investment, a rule followed by some is to choose the investment with _________ payback period.考虑一项投资的时限时,应遵循的规则是选择具有_________投资回收期的投资。 A: no (无) B: the longest (最长) C: the shortest (最短) D: an infinite (无限)

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      In which of the following situations must national saving rise? A: domestic investment increases and net foreign investment decreases. B: domestic investment decreases and net foreign investment increases. C: both domestic investment and net foreign investment increase. D: net exports decrease and domestic investment is unchanged.