• 2021-04-14
    The chief purpose of t'ai chi is to increase the amount of qi and thus improve the body's strength.
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      The main goals of this advertising are to improve company’s image and increase awareness of brand.

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      The function of qigong is similar to that of t'ai chi in that both of them are aimed at ensuring the smooth flow of qi.

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      To use chemicals and fertilizers means ______. A: to increase the amount of foods B: to increase the quality of foods C: to increase the amount and quality of foods D: to increase essential vitamins and minerals

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      The most fundamental qi of human body is ( )。 A: Primordial qi B: Pectoral qi C: Nutritive qi D: Defensive qi

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      The purpose of the advertisement is to increase people's brand ____________. A: certainty B: specialty C: royalty D: loyalty