• 2022-06-07
    7.The purpose of image compression is to ( ).
    A: reduce the amount of data
    B: simply algorithm
    C: improve transmission efficiency
    D: improve image quality
  • A,C


    • 0

      The chief purpose of t'ai chi is to increase the amount of qi and thus improve the body's strength.

    • 1

      Since the video encoding process requires unidirectional or bidirectional reference prediction, the order of image compression, transmission, and display is not consistent. ( ) A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 2

      The (company’s) training plan (designed) to help the employees (improve) their work habits and (efficiency).() A: company’s B: designed C: improve D: efficiency

    • 3

      According to the consistency between the original image and the reconstructed image, the encoding techniques are divided into ______ compression and ______ compression.

    • 4

      In order to reduce the consumption of coal , China has tried its best to invest in renewable energy and to adopt new technology to improve the efficiency in industry.