Huang Wenxiu _______her youth and life to poverty alleviation; 31 firefighters sacrificed their lives in the line of duty in Muli, Sichuan province; Du Fuguo sacrificed himself to protect his teammates; China’s Women’s National Volleyball Team won the World Cup in an eleven-match winning streak. Numerous unsung heroes, with neither complaint nor regret, work with dedication. They are ordinary people living extraordinary lives.把青春和生命献给脱贫事业的黄文秀,为救火而捐躯的四川木里31名勇士,用自己身体保护战友的杜富国,以十一连胜夺取世界杯冠军的中国女排……许许多多无怨无悔、倾情奉献的无名英雄,他们以普通人的平凡书写了不平凡的人生。 ——习近平2020年新年贺词
- 2020年新年贺词提到:一辈子深藏功名、初心不改的张富清,把青春和生命献给脱贫事业的(),为救火而捐躯的四川木里31名勇士,用自己身体保护战友的杜富国等。 A: 蒋富安 B: 黄文秀 C: 余永流
- 2019年为救火而捐躯的四川木里31名勇士,其中就有宜春水江籍( )用22岁的生命铸就烈火忠魂 A: 周鹏 B: 张富清 C: 杜富国 D: 李延年
- The women's volleyball team, now missing its backbone players, age-wise, was rising once again under the leadership of Lang Ping, winning the championships both in ( ) and in ( ). A: the world cup B: the world championship C: the Olympic games D: the National games
- 2019年9月28日,2019年女排世界杯在日本战罢第十轮,中国女排发挥出色,以3∶0战胜塞尔维亚队,取得开赛以来的十连胜,提前一轮夺得本届女排世界杯冠军,这也是中国女排第五次夺得女排世界杯冠军,第( )次夺得女排世界三大赛冠军,成为世界杯女子排球赛历史上第一支五次夺取冠军的队伍
- In ( ), the China women’s national volleyball team led by Yuan<br/>Weimin won the FIVB Women’s World Cup for the first time,<br/>beginning the glory of its five consecutive championships; in ( ),<br/>under the command of Chen Zhonghe, the team won the championship<br/>again after an interval of 17 years. ( ) A: 1981; 2003 B: 1982; 2003 C: 1983; 2001 D: 1982; 2005