A: complimentary
B: complementary
A: complimentary
B: complementary
- Listen to two sentences. Is it "complimentary" or "complementary"? Tick the right box. A: complementary B: complimentary
- Inthe18thcenturymanyBritishpoliticiansfavoredfriendshipwithPrussiabecausetheythoughtthatthePrussianarmywas()totheBritishnavy. A: complimentary B: complicated C: complementary D: comprehensive
- Weoftenget ___________remarksregardingthecleanlinessofour apartment. A: complementary B: complimentary C: critical D: complete
- She accepted his _________ about her dress with a smile. A: complement B: complementary C: complimentary D: compliment
- Surely students should be able to distinguish between their / there / they’re or the distinctive difference between complimentary and complementary . (Para. 5)