命令kill -9的含义是:
A: kills the process whose PID is 9.
B: kills all processes belonging to UID9.
C: sends SIGKILL to the process whose PID is 9.
D: sends SIGTERM to the process whosePID IS 9.
A: kills the process whose PID is 9.
B: kills all processes belonging to UID9.
C: sends SIGKILL to the process whose PID is 9.
D: sends SIGTERM to the process whosePID IS 9.
- 6个9比4个9多___个9,比9个9少___个9.
- When does the film start? A: At 9. B: At 9:15. C: At 9:30. D: At 9:50.
- 强行终止PID为2347的进程的命令是() A: kill -9 2347 B: kill-1 2347 C: kill -s 2347 D: kill -o 2347
- Linux系统中,如果想使pid进程无条件终止,可使用的命令是 A: kill -9 B: kill -15 C: kill -1 D: kill -3
- 命令 kill 9 的含义是。 A: killstheprocesswhosePIDis9. B: killsallprocessesbelongingtoUID9. C: sendsSIGKILLtotheprocesswhosePIDis9. D: sendsSIGTERMtotheprocesswhosePIDIS9.