• 2022-06-16
    The leading playwright of the modern period in American literature, if not the most successful in all his experiments, is ____________ .
    A: Arthur Miller
    B: Tennessee William
    C: George Bernard Shaw
    D: Eugene O'Neil
  • D


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      George Bernard Shaw’s play ______ established his position as the leading playwright of his time. A: Candida B: Widowers’ House C: Mrs. Warren’s Profession D: Man and Superman

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      George Bernard Shaw’s play ______ established his position as the leading playwright of his time. A: Widowers’ Houses B: Too True to Be Good C: Mrs. Warren’s Profession D: Candida

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      The passage is excerpted from the famous novel The Scarlet Letter in the Romanticism Period in American literature, and it is written by _________. ( ) A: George Washington B: Bernard Shaw C: Nathaniel<br/>Hawthorne D: Ernest Hemingway

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      ____ had won the Nobel Prize in 1925. A: G. B. Shaw B: Eugene O'Neill C: Tenessee Williams D: Arthur Miller

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      The founder of the American drama is _______. A: Arthur Miller   B: Clifford Odets  C: Tennesee Williams   D: Eugene O'Neill