• 2022-06-18
    Soil erosion was ( ) by the planting of trees in these areas.
  • mitigated


    • 0

      Planting trees is fun and a great way toreduce ____________.

    • 1

      Climate change is caused by planting trees and protecting animals.

    • 2

      The role of trees is to______. A: loose soil B: keep soil in position C: harden soil D: Both A and B

    • 3

      Which areas in the U.S. have the greatest problems of homelessness and poverty A: The inner parts of the cities and the rural areas in the south. B: Inland cities and rural areas. C: The south. D: Urban areas.

    • 4

      When the field surface is covered by gravel, soil erosion caused by rain and strong winds can be effectively prevented.( )