• 2022-06-18
    ( )
    A: the act of
    B: a chemical
    substance used to cure or heal; medicine.
    C: a point or matter
    that is of concern, in question, or under discussion.
    D: the act, or
    collective acts, of making invalid, unfair, or hurtful
    differentiations, as in prejudice against people of minority groups.
  • D


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      site ( ) A: to be in<br/>communication with. B: the act of<br/>putting into motion with force. C: of or related to<br/>dentists or __________ medicine. D: the location or<br/>proposed location of a town, city, building, or event.

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      request<br/>() A: the<br/>act of asking for something. B: someone<br/>who connects telephones through a central system and gives<br/>information and other help to people using telephones. C: the<br/>act of one who serves, such as a waiter, repair person, or<br/>government worker. D: to<br/>fall or drop slowly to another level.

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      replace ( <br/>) A: to go on being;<br/>continue in a particular way without a change. B: great in<br/>importance, position, or reputation. C: to take the<br/>place of. D: the act of<br/>starting something, working on it, and making it complete.

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      etiquette ( <br/>) A: rules for good<br/>behavior and manners. B: the act or<br/>result of __________ or coming apart into pieces. C: a particular day<br/>or point in time. D: a plan for how<br/>much money will be spent and earned during a certain period.

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      celebration <br/>() A: (sometimes<br/>capitalized) the evening or day before a holiday or other special<br/>day. B: the act of<br/>honoring or celebrating. C: joined into or<br/>made to act as a whole. D: December 25, a<br/>Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.