• 2022-06-18
    Which of the following characteristics is common to monopolistic competition and perfect competition?
    A: Firms produce identical products.
    B: Entry barriers into the industry are low.
    C: Each firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve.
    D: Firms take market prices as given.
  • B


    • 0

      Which of the following is least accurate regarding product development and marketing for firms under monopolistic competition A: Firms that bring new and innovative products to the market face relatively more elastic demand curves than their competitors. B: Relative to other types of competition, product innovation is critical to the pursuit of economic profits. C: Advertising is necessary to communicate the uniqueness of the firm’s products relative to its competitors.

    • 1

      In a market with a dominant firm, it makes sense to assume that ( )。 A: the fringe firms will set the industry price and the dominant firm will take that price as given. B: none of the above C: the dominant firm will set the industry price and the fringe firms will take that price as given. D: the dominant firm will set the industry price and the fringe firms will also make their price.

    • 2

      Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market A: Firms" products are different. B: The competitors never earn economic profits. C: Barriers to entry into the market are nonexistent.

    • 3

      Select the statement that distinguishes monopolistic competition from perfect competition. A: No barriers to entry/exist in monopolistic competition. B: A firm in monopolistic competition can set its own price and output. C: A firm in monopolistic competition makes zero economic profit in the long run. D: Close substitutes are available in monopolistic competition.

    • 4

      Competition among firms in an industry can lower prices and profits