• 2022-06-11
    Which of the following correctly describes an oligopoly?
    A: A single firm has all of the market power.
    B: Several firms have market power and there is free entry and exit.
    C: Several firms have market power and there are barriers to entry.
    D: Several firms take the price as given and there is free entry and exit.
  • C


    • 0

      The market structure in which the behavior of any given firm depends on the behavior of the other firms in the industry is:

    • 1

      In a market with a dominant firm, it makes sense to assume that ( )。 A: the fringe firms will set the industry price and the dominant firm will take that price as given. B: none of the above C: the dominant firm will set the industry price and the fringe firms will take that price as given. D: the dominant firm will set the industry price and the fringe firms will also make their price.

    • 2

      A firm has market power if it can

    • 3

      What is the defining characteristic of imperfect competition?() A: The<br/>firms are subject to government regulation. B: The<br/>firms have some degree of market power. C: The<br/>firms choose to collude. D: The<br/>firms act like a cartel.

    • 4

      Copyrights and patents are examples of barriers to entry that give firms monopoly pricing powers.