• 2022-06-18
    What caused the aesthetic difference between the East and the West according to the lecture Childhood toys and adult toys? ( )
    A: The different regional factors between the East and the West.
    B: The cultural background
    C: The way of thinking
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      表达“东西南北”四个方位时,英语的习惯一般是______? A: north, east, south and west B: east, west, north and south C: north, south, east and west D: east, south, west and north

    • 1

      What other cultural differences between China and the West do you know?

    • 2

      According to the passage, the exchange of medical ideas between east and west started ________. A: thousands of years ago B: decades of years ago C: a few years ago D: after the Second World War

    • 3

      Which of the following is true about East Egg and West Egg? A: They were different in contour. B: East Egg was for the rich to live in while West Egg was for the poor. C: They were dissimilar in every particular except shape and size.

    • 4

      The eleventh century saw the formal between East and West. A: rupture B: converse C: trademark D: destroy