• 2022-06-19
    horoscopetransplantationemotionsbiologicalside by sidejetlagsensitivenormalperiodspregnantdonordietrejection5.“Body clocks”are __________ methods of controlling body activities. Every living thing has one. In humans, a body clock controls ____________________of sleeping and waking.[音频]
  • biological#normal periods


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      Every body in the universe (宇宙) exerts a force of gravitational attraction (万有引力) on every other body (物体).

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      [音频]In addition to spoken language, all human beings also use body language to help them _________________ their ideas. The use of body language, which includes both ___________ with your hands and ___________________,such as a smile, is ____________.

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      _____of them was asked to attend the party. A: Every body B: Everyone C: Every one D: Someone

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      中国大学MOOC: 6. Our body clock,or natural body rhythm,influences our energy and ________.

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      5-step process to develop a body paragra...of controlling idea.